REGOROS fermented red clover extract is a safe, evidence-based fermented herbal extract with a unique composition of isoflavones.

REGOROS (re-go-roos) is a naturally fermented extract from the leaves and flowers of the red clover (Trifolium Pratense L.). The plants are grown organically by Herrens Mark on the island of Funen in Denmark, after which they are harvested, pressed and fermented over a period of 6 months.

Scientific trials have shown that, with its unique composition of isoflavone aglycones, fermented red clover has an effect on the preservation of bone mass in women before, during and after menopause in connection with osteopenia. The extract has been used in several scientific studies over the past 10 years.

Today, REGOROS is used in liquid products sold in Europe and Asia. It is also possible to freeze-dry REGOROS, allowing it to be used in everything from tablets and capsules to creams and lotions.

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Red Clover

Facts about osteopenia

Osteopenia is defined as a slight decalcification of the bones, and is a condition caused by deficiency. In a bone density test, osteopenia corresponds to a T-score of between -1 and -2.5. The building up and decalcification of bones are lifelong processes, but most people reach their peak bone mass at the age of 30. From then on, the bone mass of most people decreases a little each year. By the age of 55, 1 in 2 people are expected to have osteopenia. Due to falling oestrogen levels during menopause, women will typically show a higher decline in bone mass than men.

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REGOROS for the preservation of bone mass with osteopenia

Red clover contains isoflavones, plant substances with a structure reminiscent of the female hormone oestrogen. Isoflavones are also Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs), which means that, like oestrogen, they prefer to bind to specific sites in the body – sites that require oestrogen to function optimally. However, isoflavones prefer to bind to other sites than oestrogen, allowing the plant substances to support the regulatory function of oestrogen. For them to be absorbed into the body, however, they must have an aglycone form – a form which can, for example, be achieved through fermentation. Research trials have shown that REGOROS effectively slows down the loss of bone mass during and after menopause.

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